How We Work
At Longview we believe in providing high quality, accurate, and timely results. To accomplish this accurate and up-to-date financial records are crucial. Therefore, our services all start with our bookkeeping package with additional services added to fit your needs. Finances are the foundation of a strong successful business; we partner with you to ensure this foundation is as strong as possible.
Our Basic Package Includes:
- Dedicated financial experts
- Cash based accounting
- Monthly review of all transactions to ensure accurate financial statements
- Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow statement monthly by the 15th
- World class support and advice to ensure you understand your financials
- Reconcile one bank account
- Reconcile one credit card account
- Reconcile one merchant services account
- Up to 150 transactions total per month reconciled
**Discounts offered for Startups

Add On Service Options
Add on Service with Custom Pricing:
- Entering Vendor Bills
- Paying Vendor Bills
- Creating Invoices
- Processing Check Receipts
- Filing Sales Tax
- Payroll
- Reconciling Trust (Escrow) Accounts
Add on Financial Services with Custom Pricing:
- Budgeting and Forecasting
- Creating and Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
- Cash Flow Forecasting
- Building Pricing Models
Add on Consulting Service with Custom Pricing:
- Business Valuations
- Qualified Appraisals
- Strategic Plans
- Setting up your Quickbooks or Xero software
We offer many services for your company or organization. Our basic package is intended to fit most companies needs. If your business is larger or you would like Longview to handle more of your financial workload, set up a free consultation and we can come up with a plan that fits your unique needs.
Yes, you can. We understand performing valuations are a unique skill that most organizations do not have. Additionally, most valuations require a third party to perform them. Whether it be for taxes, a separation, or ESOP, Longview can handle it for you. Set up an appointment and talk to us.
No, you do not. Consulting work is generally project based. Sometimes the company has the capacity to manage the financial function but can have trouble performing special projects. Longview has decades of financial experience and will assist you in completing these special projects.
There are two types of accounting, cash or accrual based. Cash basis is a simpler more efficient way to present your financials. It is often easier for non-accountants to read them as well. Cash basis is simply the transactions are added to the financials when the money leaves or is received by the company. Accrual basis means the transactions are added to the financials when billed or invoiced.
Longview focuses on the bookkeeping and advisory to be your partner in growing and strengthening your business. Tax time takes up considerable time from a practice and generally the bookkeeping and advisory clients suffer. We do, however, work with some great tax accountants that we can recommend.